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I recently had a birthday.

Not – perhaps – of the sort of significance that would normally persuade me to acknowledge the event in any way or even – dare I say it – to celebrate a little (ie – a decade). It cannot be denied, however, that this particular milestone does carry some resonance.

Yes – I am now sixty five and thus truly a pensioner – which sounds so much less disagreeable than being an old-age pensioner (OAP).

I don’t even feel old – though I must admit that it is late in the evening as I write this… Some mornings I feel quite differently!

I guess that I now need to pay closer attention when purchasing items or making bookings to ensure that I take full advantage of those attractive discounts that are offered to senior citizens… whilst at the same time endeavouring not to feel guilty concerning same. Oh – it’s a constant battle!

To tell the truth I am (thus far at any rate) rather enjoying my sixties. I don’t think that it is being immodest to say that a big advantage of having got this far is the acquisition of a pretty comprehensive degree of self knowledge. I am not only well aware of my various faults and foibles but I am much better at recognising as yet undiscovered ones. Even more importantly I have learned not to take any of these things too seriously – whilst at the same time not dismissing them either.

I believe that I possess a good understanding of my capabilities and of my talents. I know what I can do and what I can’t do and I have learned to gauge just how well – or otherwise – I can do things. This means that – without claiming for a moment to be ‘an island’ – I am far less reliant on the affirmation of others (though naturally I appreciate strokes just as much as does the next man – or woman).

All in all I have no complaints.

More that that in fact – I am daily filled with gratitude for the many blessings with which I and those for whom I care have been bestowed.


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