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It’s said that you can never go home again, and it’s true enough, of course. But the opposite is also true. You must go back, and you always go back, and you can never stop going back, no matter how hard you try.

Gregory David Roberts, ‘Shantaram’

We find ourselves in a brief period of anniversaries – the which are as ever cause for celebration… and in these difficult times any reason so to do is to be seized upon with gratitude.

The weekend before last saw the fifth anniversary of our arrival (or re-arrival in the case of The Girl) as residents in Canada. As I have noted in other recent posts, this milestone is significant for various reasons – not least because I can now apply for Canadian citizenship to add to my British variant. It seems somehow appropriate that The Girl and I should each be a citizen of both countries, as both have been particularly good to us.

On which note – the image that accompanies this post is apt and heart-felt. I am most grateful both to Canada and to Canadians for taking me in and helping me to feel at home here. I will never forget the kindnesses that we have been shown. Canadians are – by and large – a generous, modest and gentle people (traits shown up all the more by the manners of their nearest neighbours) and have thus earned my undying respect. Thank you one and all.

We will certainly be making the journey across the water again (when the current crisis has abated) and I will naturally always be drawn there – but Vancouver Island is now my home and I am delighted at that.

Next time – yet more anniversary news…!


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I recently had a birthday.

Not – perhaps – of the sort of significance that would normally persuade me to acknowledge the event in any way or even – dare I say it – to celebrate a little (ie – a decade). It cannot be denied, however, that this particular milestone does carry some resonance.

Yes – I am now sixty five and thus truly a pensioner – which sounds so much less disagreeable than being an old-age pensioner (OAP).

I don’t even feel old – though I must admit that it is late in the evening as I write this… Some mornings I feel quite differently!

I guess that I now need to pay closer attention when purchasing items or making bookings to ensure that I take full advantage of those attractive discounts that are offered to senior citizens… whilst at the same time endeavouring not to feel guilty concerning same. Oh – it’s a constant battle!

To tell the truth I am (thus far at any rate) rather enjoying my sixties. I don’t think that it is being immodest to say that a big advantage of having got this far is the acquisition of a pretty comprehensive degree of self knowledge. I am not only well aware of my various faults and foibles but I am much better at recognising as yet undiscovered ones. Even more importantly I have learned not to take any of these things too seriously – whilst at the same time not dismissing them either.

I believe that I possess a good understanding of my capabilities and of my talents. I know what I can do and what I can’t do and I have learned to gauge just how well – or otherwise – I can do things. This means that – without claiming for a moment to be ‘an island’ – I am far less reliant on the affirmation of others (though naturally I appreciate strokes just as much as does the next man – or woman).

All in all I have no complaints.

More that that in fact – I am daily filled with gratitude for the many blessings with which I and those for whom I care have been bestowed.


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