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Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images (pixabay.com)Whoo-hoo!

Today – the very day after the summer solstice – the weather in Victoria BC has finally turned summery! What is more – rumour has it that the hot spell may stretch through the weekend and into next week…

Who knows – we might even get to try out our new air-conditioning unit sooner than expected!

The only downside to this most pleasant development is that it will probably simply encourage those annoying souls who will insist that the solstice is the first day of summer, in much the same way that they insist that the March equinox is the first day of spring.

Er – no! The summer solstice is mid-summers day. From now on the days are getting shorter…

Sorry – I don’t mean to depress anyone.

It is true of course that all the seasons at these latitudes tend to lag behind the movements of the sun. That does mean that September is very often seen as part of the summer, instead of marking the middle of autumn (fall). Nature very obligingly goes along with such errant notions – and it is in our nature (for most folk, anyway) to want to extend the summer months for as long as possible before winter sets in.

So… enjoy the sunshine (those who are blessed with it). I know we are going to!

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