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I have struggled for decades now with the fear of and resistance to change – mostly in the realms of technology, transportation, and the ways people choose to communicate. If I had a theme song, it would be that lovely song ‘I’m Old-Fashioned,’ as sung by Ella Fitzgerald.

Julia Glass

I have probably written quite enough on these pages in recent times about “Winter Blue and Evergreen” – the album (which I shall determinedly call that just to be even more old-fashioned) that the Chanteuse and I have of late let loose upon an unsuspecting world.

There was much talk of streaming and downloading and Spotify and YouTube and suchlike… all wonderfully modern concepts and jolly splendid for anyone in the business trying to make a name for themselves; or not in the business and just trying to listen to some music.

But then again… there are some folks (like me) who really are just old-fashioned about such things and prefer their music still to be on a physical CD. Let’s not get side-tracked at this point by those who prefer vinyl or – heaven fore-fend – cassette tape or even (shudder!) 8-track!

I played CDs myself in the car until very recently – when the CD auto-changer in the Lexus stopped reading them properly. I did look for a replacement but the cost was prohibitive so I had to switch to a Bluetooth receiver and my phone instead – which is actually way more efficient…


No – the point is that some folk prefer CDs and when it comes to “Winter Blue and Evergreen“… CDs we have got! You can’t order them through the website (at the moment) but you can just drop me a line and I will send you one.

Can I say fairer than that?

I think not…

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