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Where boasting ends…

Photo by Andy Dawson ReidWhen boasting ends, there dignity begins

Owen D. Young

Or should that be ‘boating’?! (See what I did there?…)

Regular readers of these whimsical witterings may well have noticed that there has been nary a mention of the good ship Dignity for some considerable time. Well observed, say I…

The last mention of that plucky little ship came in this post, from last September. In it I recounted the eighteen month struggle to equip her with a replacement bimini top and lamented the fact that the pandemic had dulled our enthusiasm for sharing a boat launch with other people. As a result Dignity did not make it onto the water last year.

The pandemic has spilled over into this year as well of course and with my teaching of a compressed course during the summer term it too began to look like a dubious cause in boating terms. We are, however, determined to try to get some time on the water before the season is out.

There is another factor to be considered here. Having been wrapped up in a tarpaulin for a lengthy period Dignity has not even been fired up. I was somewhat nervous as to the implications of this lengthy layoff and decided that the best thing to do was to book her in for a full service and additional TLC with a local marine engineering company.

The above illustration shows Dignity about to depart for a few days R & R with Seapower Marine in Sidney.

Now we wait – somewhat nervously – to hear what the ‘damage’ might be…

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