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I try – for the most part – to keep the posts to this gazette relatively light-hearted, the which – for the most part – reflects the blessed lives that The Girl and I lead out here in Beautiful British Columbia. Regular readers will know that this praxis occasionally falls by the wayside should there be happenings out in the wider world on which I just feel the absolute need to comment.

It is our great good fortune that only very rarely are there circumstances in which the dark clouds gather nearer to home and that some grim situation intrudes upon our privileged existence.

This, sadly, is one such…

The Girl has been greatly affected in this last period by the news from our very doorstep of the terrible discovery of the unmarked graves of 215 children at the former Kamloops Residential School here in BC. This news has been published around that world and you may have already read something of it wherever you are. The Girl was… is… understandably deeply upset by the news and moved to put something into words.

With your indulgence I will upload her reflections in my next post:

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  1. Kathy’s avatar

    I’ve been thinking of you since the news broke. It’s heartbreaking to think of those poor little ones passing with no beloved to hold their hands, and even now, not yet returned to their community. How their parents must have suffered too, not knowing what became of their children. Lets hope that this is the start of getting them back home.

  2. William Warren’s avatar

    Hi Andy.

    I’m not sure how I can put into words the deep and overwhelming sadness that I felt when I heard the news of the discovery of the remains of 215 innocent First Nations children. And I fear that the news will only get worse as the scope of the investigation broadens to other residential schools. I am also angered by the use of the term ‘survivor’ by the news outlets when reporting on this story. They are not ‘survivors’ – no one ‘survived’- no one came away from years of mental, sexual, and physical abuse unscathed. They will carry the scars of their ordeals for the rest of their lives. Somehow they managed to live through it – and that is the best that can be said.
    And of course, the Vatican are ducking any responsibility – no formal apology from the pope and we had to wait for a week to pass before he made any kind of comment. No doubt he spent that week consulting with the Vatican lawyers.
    It’s been said many times before but nonetheless it’s worth repeating – the catholic church has a lot to answer for.


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