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Turn of the decade

Just as we did at the same time last year we approached the portal to the new year yester-eve with considerable trepidation, stuck our heads nervously around the door before tiptoeing through with extreme caution into yet further uncharted territory…

‘Unwritten’ indeed – and given recent history our ability to compose and to craft a coherent script for the New Year – let alone for the new decade – would seem at this point to be somewhat in doubt.

Personally I have never been much of a one for celebrating the New Year, preferring instead to raise a glass and to proffer a small ‘huzzah’ in grateful acknowledgement of our having survived the one that has but recently expired.

Let us now, however, be optimistic and to imagine that this year – this decade – many wrongs will be righted, that many false steps and unwise choices will be revoked and that the peoples of this fragile planet might start – by taking in the first instance small and tremulous steps – to heal the ills of the world.

But let us also be mindful that things may well get worse before they improve and take accordingly the necessary and serious precautions that might facilitate any actions required to set things right.

Cheering the birth of a new year is a heavy responsibility. Cheering that of a new decade is many, many times more so.

With this in mind The Kickass Canada Girl and The Imperceptible Immigrant wish you the very best possible new year and – of course – new decade.

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