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Nobody told me

Nobody told me there’d be days like these
Strange days indeed
Strange days indeed

John Lennon

How odd!

I sat down to compose a brief post in bewildered acknowledgement of the bizarre period through which we find ourselves living and quite naturally the hook line of John Lennon’s song came at once to mind. These are indeed ‘strange days’.

In the back of my mind, however, was the notion that I had already used this phrase as a title to a previous post. The WordPress search tool makes short work of such trivial tasks and sure enough there was a post entitled “Strange Days Indeed” – almost exactly seven years ago to the day!


There must be something about the dying days of March…

On the subject of the UK and Brexit there is little more that can currently be said – and indeed there would be little point in so doing, since as soon as something is set down in type it is outdated and redundant. All that need be said is that the UK is now apparently not leaving the EU on the 29th March – though that may yet happen on April 12th or May 22nd… and indeed just about anything else could still happen. All we can hope is that when whatever it is that does finally happen – actually happens – we do get to know that it has done so.

In the US there is much wailing and gnashing of teeth (on the Democratic side of the fence) that the Mueller report failed to find a smoking gun with regard to collusion between the 2016 Trump campaign and the Russians. This is not so much because of the outcome – frankly no-one really expected that the Orange one would actually get caught – but more that there are now endless opportunities for him to rub everybody else’s noses in it – which he will! What a loathsome prospect.

Here in Canada the picturesque PM, Justin Trudeau, seems determined to do that thing that ‘too good to be true’ leaders always end up doing (unless they are assassinated first) – which is to let down everyone who hoped for a different and better brand of politics. The affair of SNC-Lava-Lamp (as satirical TV show ’22 Minutes’ has it) rumbles on and though the Liberals are currently playing a Harper-like straight bat we are all well aware that it is federal election year, so this ain’t gonna go away anytime soon.

Sadly these vexations are but a mere scratch on the surface when one starts to look further around this poor afflicted planet.

Deepest sigh! What is the world coming to?

Strange days indeed!


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